shell javascript php

(Deprecated) Integration Documentation

Click here for the - Updated Integration Documentation

Getting Started

Welcome to ConsCent! This documentation covers all the steps for you to get set up - from optionally registering your premium stories with ConsCent which are priced for a Pay per View basis, followed by integrating the paywall on your story pages and initialising the overlay to ensure all premium content is paid for.

You can get started by following the steps mentioned on the Using ConsCent Page.


The first step is registering your client with ConsCent. This is done by the ConsCent Team internally and your administrator will recieve the login credenitals (email & password) for the ConsCent Client Dashboard on the email they chose to register with. The client must provide a default value for the 'price', 'duration' and optionally geolocation overrides if the client wants geo-fenced pricing options. This will ensure that all the premium content on the clients website/app is micro-priced - even if the client doesn't register the content with ConsCent via API. (Price values are in INR)

By logging in to your ConsCent Client Dashboard and navigating to the Integrations Page. You will be able to view your active ClientId, API Key and API Secret.

Using ConsCent

Whenever you're utilising the Web Integration Code or Calling any ConsCent APIs - you need to update the API_URL and SDK_URL variables based on the environment you're operating in.

Once you have registered your stories on ConsCent, you need to integrate the paywall on all your Premium Content Pages.

Ensuring that the paywall appears each time a premium story is opened, as well as allowing users to purchase stories via ConsCent.

Integrating the paywall allows the users to purchase the Client's Stories via ConsCent at Micropriced rates. The Web Integration section includes the steps involved in handling the Success and Failure Callbacks after the users go through the ConsCent Paywall, followed by validating each unique transaction incurred by a user on the any of the Clients Stories.

Web Integration

ConsCent Paywall Initalisation Script:

  const clientId = '5f92a62013332e0f667794dc';
  (function (w, d, s, o, f, cid) {
    if (!w[o]) {
      w[o] = function () {
      w[o].q = [];
    (js = d.createElement(s)), (fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]); = o;
    js.src = f;
    js.async = 1;
    js.title = cid;
    fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
  })(window, document, 'script', '_csc', {SDK_URL}, clientId);

Ensure you replace the 'clientId' with your actual Client ID retrieved from the Conscent Client Dashboard Integration Page and the {SDK_URL} with the sdk url of an environment you want to use, e.g. '' for sandbox

Integrating ConsCent on your Website is a simple and direct process. You start by copying the code on the right hand side within the script tags - and adding it to the header section of your Route Index file.

You can get your ConsCent Client Id from the Client Integrations Page of the ConsCent Client Dashboard - as mentioned in the Registration Section.

Including this code in the header section allows the ConsCent Paywall to be initalised and further used whenever required on a Premium Content Page.

Finally, In order to ensure the the ConsCent Paywall appears on all Story Pages which contain Premium Content. You need to implement the following function on the story page - included on the right hand side - which calls the initalisation function '_csc' of the ConsCent Paywall and enables a user to purchase the particular premium story at a Micropriced value through ConsCent. Please ensure that you call this function anytime you want the ConsCent paywall to show up on your story page and that you have filtered for users that have subscribed to your platform beforehand and already have access to view the content and thus will not be going through the ConsCent paywall.

Include ConsCent Paywall on Premium Content Story Page:

const csc = window._csc;
csc('init', {
  debug: true, // can be set to false to remove sdk non-error log output
  storyId: storyId,
  subscriptionUrl: {clientSubscriptionUrl},
  signInUrl: {clientSignInUrl},
  clientId: clientId,
  title: storyTitle,
  isMobile: 'false',
  successCallback: yourSuccessCallbackFunction,
  wrappingElementId: 'csc-paywall',
  fullScreenMode: 'false', // if set to true, the entire screen will be covered

Success Callback example:

async function yourSuccessCallbackFunction(validationObject: any) {
  // Function to show the premium content to the User since they have paid for it via ConsCent
  // Here you should verify the  validationObject with our backend
  // And then you must show the user the complete story

  // example verification code:
  console.log('Initiating verification with conscent backend');
  const xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); // using vanilla javascript to make a post request
  const url = `${API_URL}/api/v1/story/read/${validationObject.readId}`;'POST', url, true);
  // e is the response event
  xhttp.onload = (e) => {
    const backendConfirmationData = JSON.parse(;

    // verifying that the validation received matches the backend data
    if (
      validationObject.readId === backendConfirmationData.readId &&
      validationObject.payloadclientId === backendConfirmationData.payload.clientId &&
      validationObject.payload.storyId === backendConfirmationData.payload.storyId
    ) {
      // Validation successful
      console.log('successful validation');
      // showStory would be your function that will do all the actions that need to be done to show the whole story

We import the initalisation script using the unique '_csc' identifier and run the 'init' function by passing a number of parameters:

Once the ConsCent Paywall has been initalised and the User has gone through the necessary steps needed to purchase the story via ConsCent - you need to implement a 'successCallback' function which will recieve a response containing a validationObject shown below - indicating whether the user has purchased the story, or if the user has access to the story already since they have purchased it before, or whether the transaction has failed and the user has not purchased the story.

{ "message": "Story Purchased Successfully", "payload": { "clientId": "5fbb40b07dd98b0e89d90a25", "storyId": "Client Story Id 5", "createdAt": "2020-12-29T05:51:31.116Z" }, "readId": "a0c433af-a413-49e1-9f40-ce1fbd63f568", "signature": "74h9xm2479m7x792nxx247998975393x08y9hubrufyfy3348oqpqqpyg78fhfurifr3", }

The message "Story Purchased Successfully" appears in the response only when the user has purchased a story via ConsCent and the "accessTimeLeft" field appears in the response only when the user has purchased this story previously and still has free access to view the content. Moreover, the response contains a "readId" field which will be used to verify each unique transaction by a user on the clients stories with ConsCent.

Calling the Validate Story Read API using the recieved "readId" in the successCallback response can assist the client in authenticating valid and unique transactions on their stories.

The response validationObject from the 'Validate Story Read' API includes the same fields as mentioned in the validationObject above and matching the payload from the 'successCallback' response and 'Validate Story Read' response allows the client to ensure each transaction of premium content stories via ConsCent is validated by matching the clientId, storyId, and createdAt (Date of Read/Transaction);

If the case arrives when the user tries to purchase a story via ConsCent on the client's website and the transaction fails. The client can handle that case as well in a 'failedCallback' function or redirect to any page - as the Client wishes.

Lastly, once the transaction has been validated by the Client - whether they choose to do it in the frontend or the backend - the client needs to show the premium content purchased by the User. You can do this on the same page, or redirect the user to a different page containing the full content of the premium story.

API Introduction

Welcome to the ConsCent Client API! You can use our APIs to access ConsCent Client API endpoints, which can help you get information on various tasks such as how to create stories, verify story payment etc.

We have language bindings in Shell (cURL), PHP, and JavaScript! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.


ConsCent uses API keys to allow access to the API for the Client to Create and Register a Story with ConsCent. You can view your API Key and Secret by logging in to your ConsCent Client Dashboard and navigating to the Integrations Page Client Integrations Page. Please contact your administrator for the Login Credentials to access the ConsCent Client Dashboard - provided on the official email address registered with ConsCent.

ConsCent expects for the API Key and Secret to be included as Basic Authentication in certain API requests (Create Story API utilised by the Client).


Client Story

Create Story


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => "{API_URL}/api/v1/story/",
    "storyId" : "testingID For Client",
    "title" : "Test story for API functionality",
    "price" : 1,
    "url": "",
    "priceOverrides": {
        "country": [
                "name": "GL",
                "price": 3
                "name": "IN",
                "price": 5
                "name": "US",
                "price": 7
    "Content-Type: application/json"

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;

curl -X POST '{API_URL}/api/v1/story/' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "storyId" : "testingID For Client",
    "title" : "Test story for API functionality",
    "price" : 1,
    "url": "",
    "priceOverrides": {
        "country": [
                "name": "GL",
                "price": 3
                "name": "IN",
                "price": 5
                "name": "US",
                "price": 7
var axios = require("axios");
var data = JSON.stringify({"storyId":"testingID For Client","title":"Test story for API functionality","price":1,"url":"","priceOverrides":{"country":[{"name":"GL","price":3},{"name":"IN","price":5},{"name":"US","price":7}]}});

var config = {
  method: "post",
  url: "{API_URL}/api/v1/story/",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  data: data,

  .then(function (response) {
  .catch(function (error) {

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "message": "New Story Created!",
    "story": {
        "title": "Test story for API functionality",
        "price": 1,
        "storyId": "testingID For Client",
        "duration": 1,
        "url": "",
        "priceOverrides": {
            "country": [
                    "_id": "605b25824646e9233aef61b4",
                    "name": "GL",
                    "price": 3
                    "_id": "605b25824646e9233aef61b5",
                    "name": "IN",
                    "price": 5
                    "_id": "605b25824646e9233aef61b6",
                    "name": "US",
                    "price": 7

This endpoint allows the Client to Register their Story on ConsCent - with the Story Title, StoryId, Story URL, Price as well as any specific Price Overrides for a country - In order to set a different price for the story in the relevant country. Moreover, the Client can also set the duration of a story - which means that if a story if purchased by a User on ConsCent, then that User can have free access to the story for {duration} amount of time. By Default we user a 1 Day duration. Lastly, the price & priceOverrides of the story can only be set as a distinct value chosen by the client - which can be any out of [0, 0.01, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10]. These prices are in INR and ONLY these values can be set as the price of the story - otherwise the API call for creating a story will throw a 400 (Bad Request) Error.

HTTP Request

POST {API_URL}/api/v1/story


Client API Key and Secret must be passed in Authorization Headers using Basic Auth. With API Key as the Username and API Secret as the password.

Request Body

Parameter Default Description
storyId required Story Id by which the Story has been registered on the Client CMS
title required Title of the Story
price required Story Price to be selected out of [0, 0.01, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10] ONLY. Values are in INR by default.
url required URL where the story is available on your website
duration required Free story access time for user once the user has purchased the story. (Standard Practice - 1 Day);
authorId optional Id of the Author of the story - Mandatory if authorName is present
authorName optional Name of the Author of the story
priceOverrides optional Price Overrides for any particular country with the relevant country code as the name and the ENUM value in the price. The country code list is located the end of this document

Edit Story

Please ensure you URL encode the storyId in the Path Parameters Replace the {storyId} in the API path with your actual Story Id


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => "{API_URL}/api/v1/story/Client%20Story%20Id%2011",
    "storyId" : "testingID For Client",
    "title" : "Test story for API functionality Edited",
    "price" : 1,
    "url": "",
    "priceOverrides": {
        "country": [
                "name": "GL",
                "price": 2
                "name": "IN",
                "price": 1
                "name": "US",
                "price": 0
    "Content-Type: application/json"

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;

curl -X PATCH '{API_URL}/api/v1/story/{storyId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "storyId" : "testingID For Client",
    "title" : "Test story for API functionality Edited",
    "price" : 1,
    "url": "",
    "priceOverrides": {
        "country": [
                "name": "GL",
                "price": 2
                "name": "IN",
                "price": 1
                "name": "US",
                "price": 0
var axios = require("axios");
var data = JSON.stringify({"storyId":"testingID For Client","title":"Test story for API functionality Edited","price":1,"url":"","priceOverrides":{"country":[{"name":"GL","price":2},{"name":"IN","price":1},{"name":"US","price":0}]}});

var config = {
  method: "patch",
  url: "{API_URL}/api/v1/story/{storyId}",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  data: data,

  .then(function (response) {
  .catch(function (error) {

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "message": "Story Edited Successfully",
  "editedStory": {
    "title": "Client Story Id Test Edited",
    "storyId": "testingID For Client",
    "price": 1,
    "duration": 2,
    "url": "",
    "authorName": "changed-author-name",
    "authorId": "changed-unique-author-id",
    "priceOverrides": {
            "country": [
                    "_id": "605b25824646e9233aef61b4",
                    "name": "GL",
                    "price": 2
                    "_id": "605b25824646e9233aef61b5",
                    "name": "IN",
                    "price": 1
                    "_id": "605b25824646e9233aef61b6",
                    "name": "US",
                    "price": 0

This endpoint allows the Client to Edit their Registered Story on ConsCent - with the editable fields being the Story title, price, priceOverrides, URL and duration. Story ID CANNOT be edited!

HTTP Request

PATCH {API_URL}/api/v1/story/{storyId}


Client API Key and Secret must be passed in Authorization Headers using Basic Auth. With API Key as the Username and API Secret as the password.

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
storyId The ID of the Story you wish to edit ( Ensure its URL Encoded)

Request Body

Parameter Default Description
title optional Title of the Story
price optional Story Price to be selected out of [0, 0.01, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10] ONLY. Values are in INR by default.
url optional URL where the story is available on your website
duration optional Free story access time for user once the user has purchased the story. (Standard Practice - 1 Day);
authorId optional Id of the Author of the story - Mandatory if authorName is present
authorName optional Name of the Author of the story
priceOverrides optional Price Overrides for any particular country with the relevant country code as the name and the ENUM value in the price. The country code list is located the end of this document

View All Stories

API to retrieve all of the client's stories registered on ConsCent.


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => "{API_URL}/api/v1/story/client",

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;

curl -X GET '{API_URL}/api/v1/story/client' \
var axios = require("axios");

var config = {
  method: "get",
  url: "{API_URL}/api/v1/story/client",
  headers: {

  .then(function (response) {
  .catch(function (error) {

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "stories": [
      "title": "Client Story Id Test Edit 1",
      "storyId": "Client Story Id 11",
      "price": 1,
      "duration": 2,
      "url": "",
      "priceOverrides": {
            "country": [
                    "_id": "605b25824646e9233aef61b4",
                    "name": "GL",
                    "price": 2
      "title": "Test story for API functionality",
      "storyId": "testingID31 - bhileknwlq",
      "price": 3,
      "duration": 2,
      "url": ""
  "pagination": {
    "pageNumber": 1,
    "pageSize": 20,
    "totalRecords": 2,
    "totalPages": 1

This endpoint allows the Client to view their entire collection of Registered Stories on ConsCent. With each retrieved story containing the following details - Title, Price, URL, Story ID and duration.

HTTP Request

GET {API_URL}/api/v1/story/client


Client API Key and Secret must be passed in Authorization Headers using Basic Auth. With API Key as the Username and API Secret as the password.

URL Parameters

Parameter Default Description
pageNumber optional Pagination Parameters - which page of stories you would like to retrieve (default = 1). Since each page will have 20 (default) stories ONLY.
pageSize optional Pagination Parameters - the number of stories to retrieve on each page (default = 20).

View Story Details

Please ensure you URL encode the storyId in the Path Parameters Replace the {storyId} in the API path with your actual Story Id


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => "{API_URL}/api/v1/story/client/Client%20Story%20Id%206",

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;

curl -X GET '{API_URL}/api/v1/story/client/Client%20Story%20Id%206' \
var axios = require("axios");

var config = {
  method: "get",
  url: "{API_URL}/api/v1/story/client/Client%20Story%20Id%206",
  headers: {

  .then(function (response) {
  .catch(function (error) {

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "title": "Tesla Tequila",
  "storyId": "Client Story Id 6",
  "price": 1,
  "url": "",
  "duration": 1,
  "priceOverrides": {
            "country": [
                    "_id": "605b25824646e9233aef61b4",
                    "name": "GL",
                    "price": 2

This endpoint allows the Client to retrieve a particular story which they registered with ConsCent - including the details of the story such as the Story ID, title, price, URL and duration.

HTTP Request

GET {API_URL}/api/v1/story/client/{storyId}


Client API Key and Secret must be passed in Authorization Headers using Basic Auth. With API Key as the Username and API Secret as the password.

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
storyId The ID of the Story you wish to retrieve (Please ensure its URL Encoded)

Validate Story Read

Validate Story Details By Read ID

Replace the {readId} in the API path with the actual value/string of the readId recieved


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => "{API_URL}/api/v1/story/read/11c369df-2a30-4a0d-90dc-5a45797dacdd",

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;
curl -X POST '{API_URL}/api/v1/story/read/{readId}'
var axios = require("axios");

var config = {
  method: "post",
  url: "{API_URL}/api/v1/story/read/{readId}",
  headers: {},

  .then(function (response) {
  .catch(function (error) {

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "message": "Story Read Confirmed",
    "payload": {
      "clientId": "5fbb40b07dd98b0e89d90a25",
      "storyId": "Client Story Id",
      "createdAt": "2020-11-15T13:55:36.659Z"
    "readId": "11c369df-2a30-4a0d-90dc-5a45797dacdd",
    "signature": "4379hrm47mo34m2340cny2rcn487cn209842cr474107nc409c4"

This endpoint allows the Client to Validate the Story Details anytime a User Purchases a Story of the Client using ConsCent - with the Client passing the Story ID in the request and recieving details regarding the Story Id and the Date of Purchase of the Story by the User, as well as matching the unique Read Id to ensure it cannot be reused.

HTTP Request

POST {API_URL}/api/v1/story/read/{readId}

The client will recieve a payload when a story is purchased via ConsCent - providing the details of the story such as the ClientId to identify which client the story belongs to as well as the Client Story ID, Transaction Amount and Date of the Transaction. Moroever, they will also recieve a Read ID - by passing the Read ID in this API request - the Client can verify the authenticity of the transaction and restrict any spillage.

URL Parameters

Parameter Default Description
readId required readId recieved by the client for each unique transaction on any of the Client's Stories registered with ConsCent

Client Stats

Daily Story Stats


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => '{API_URL}/api/v1/client/stats/daily?from=2021-02-12T05:45:41.389Z&to=2021-02-13T05:45:41.389Z',

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;

curl -X GET '{API_URL}/api/v1/client/stats/daily?from=2021-02-12T05:45:41.389Z&to=2021-02-13T05:45:41.389Z' \

var axios = require('axios');

var config = {
  method: 'get',
  url: '{API_URL}/api/v1/client/stats/daily?from=2021-02-12T05:45:41.389Z&to=2021-02-13T05:45:41.389Z',
  headers: { 

.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "totalStoriesRead": 17,
  "totalRevenueGenerated": 29.6

This endpoint allows the Client to get Aggregate Statistics based on users consumption of their stories via ConsCent. By default this API provides details of the previous days' consumption. However, the client can pass the 'from' and 'to' dates as optional query parameters to get aggregated stats for any range that they choose.

HTTP Request

POST {API_URL}/api/v1/client/stats/daily


Client API Key and Secret must be passed in Authorization Headers using Basic Auth. With API Key as the Username and API Secret as the password.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
from optional ISO date string from which the aggregated stats have to be calculated
to optional ISO date string till which the aggregated stats have to be calculated

Country Code List

Afghanistan - AF

Åland Islands - AX

Albania - AL

Algeria - DZ

American Samoa - AS

Andorra - AD

Angola - AO

Anguilla - AI

Antarctica - AQ

Antigua and Barbuda - AG

Argentina - AR

Armenia - AM

Aruba - AW

Australia - AU

Austria - AT

Azerbaijan - AZ

Bahrain - BH

Bahamas - BS

Bangladesh - BD

Barbados - BB

Belarus - BY

Belgium - BE

Belize - BZ

Benin - BJ

Bermuda - BM

Bhutan - BT

Bolivia, Plurinational State of - BO

Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - BQ

Bosnia and Herzegovina - BA

Botswana - BW

Bouvet Island - BV

Brazil - BR

British Indian Ocean Territory - IO

Brunei Darussalam - BN

Bulgaria - BG

Burkina Faso - BF

Burundi - BI

Cambodia - KH

Cameroon - CM

Canada - CA

Cape Verde - CV

Cayman Islands - KY

Central African Republic - CF

Chad - TD

Chile - CL

China - CN

Christmas Island - CX

Cocos (Keeling) Islands - CC

Colombia - CO

Comoros - KM

Congo - CG

Congo, the Democratic Republic of the - CD

Cook Islands - CK

Costa Rica - CR

Côte d'Ivoire - CI

Croatia - HR

Cuba - CU

Curaçao - CW

Cyprus - CY

Czech Republic - CZ

Denmark - DK

Djibouti - DJ

Dominica - DM

Dominican Republic - DO

Ecuador - EC

Egypt - EG

El Salvador - SV

Equatorial Guinea - GQ

Eritrea - ER

Estonia - EE

Ethiopia - ET

Falkland Islands (Malvinas) - FK

Faroe Islands - FO

Fiji - FJ

Finland - FI

France - FR

French Guiana - GF

French Polynesia - PF

French Southern Territories - TF

Gabon - GA

Gambia - GM

Georgia - GE

Germany - DE

Ghana - GH

Gibraltar - GI

Greece - GR

Greenland - GL

Grenada - GD

Guadeloupe - GP

Guam - GU

Guatemala - GT

Guernsey - GG

Guinea - GN

Guinea-Bissau - GW

Guyana - GY

Haiti - HT

Heard Island and McDonald Islands - HM

Holy See (Vatican City State) - VA

Honduras - HN

Hong Kong - HK

Hungary - HU

Iceland - IS

India - IN

Indonesia - ID

Iran, Islamic Republic of - IR

Iraq - IQ

Ireland - IE

Isle of Man - IM

Israel - IL

Italy - IT

Jamaica - JM

Japan - JP

Jersey - JE

Jordan - JO

Kazakhstan - KZ

Kenya - KE

Kiribati - KI

Korea, Democratic People's Republic of - KP

Korea, Republic of - KR

Kuwait - KW

Kyrgyzstan - KG

Lao People's Democratic Republic - LA

Latvia - LV

Lebanon - LB

Lesotho - LS

Liberia - LR

Libya - LY

Liechtenstein - LI

Lithuania - LT

Luxembourg - LU

Macao - MO

Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of - MK

Madagascar - MG

Malawi - MW

Malaysia - MY

Maldives - MV

Mali - ML

Malta - MT

Marshall Islands - MH

Martinique - MQ

Mauritania - MR

Mauritius - MU

Mayotte - YT

Mexico - MX

Micronesia, Federated States of - FM

Moldova, Republic of - MD

Monaco - MC

Mongolia - MN

Montenegro - ME

Montserrat - MS

Morocco - MA

Mozambique - MZ

Myanmar - MM

Namibia - NA

Nauru - NR

Nepal - NP

Netherlands - NL

New Caledonia - NC

New Zealand - NZ

Nicaragua - NI

Niger - NE

Nigeria - NG

Niue - NU

Norfolk Island - NF

Northern Mariana Islands - MP

Norway - NO

Oman - OM

Pakistan - PK

Palau - PW

Palestine, State of - PS

Panama - PA

Papua New Guinea - PG

Paraguay - PY

Peru - PE

Philippines - PH

Pitcairn - PN

Poland - PL

Portugal - PT

Puerto Rico - PR

Qatar - QA

Réunion - RE

Romania - RO

Russian Federation - RU

Rwanda - RW

Saint Barthélemy - BL

Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - SH

Saint Kitts and Nevis - KN

Saint Lucia - LC

Saint Martin (French part) - MF

Saint Pierre and Miquelon - PM

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - VC

Samoa - WS

San Marino - SM

Sao Tome and Principe - ST

Saudi Arabia - SA

Senegal - SN

Serbia - RS

Seychelles - SC

Sierra Leone - SL

Singapore - SG

Sint Maarten (Dutch part) - SX

Slovakia - SK

Slovenia - SI

Solomon Islands - SB

Somalia - SO

South Africa - ZA

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - GS

South Sudan - SS

Spain - ES

Sri Lanka - LK

Sudan - SD

Suriname - SR

Svalbard and Jan Mayen - SJ

Swaziland - SZ

Sweden - SE

Switzerland - CH

Syrian Arab Republic - SY

Taiwan, Province of China - TW

Tajikistan - TJ

Tanzania, United Republic of - TZ

Thailand - TH

Timor-Leste - TL

Togo - TG

Tokelau - TK

Tonga - TO

Trinidad and Tobago - TT

Tunisia - TN

Turkey - TR

Turkmenistan - TM

Turks and Caicos Islands - TC

Tuvalu - TV

Uganda - UG

Ukraine - UA

United Arab Emirates - AE

United Kingdom - GB

United States - US

United States Minor Outlying Islands - UM

Uruguay - UY

Uzbekistan - UZ

Vanuatu - VU

Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of - VE

Viet Nam - VN

Virgin Islands, British - VG

Virgin Islands, U.S. - VI

Wallis and Futuna - WF

Western Sahara - EH

Yemen - YE

Zambia - ZM

Zimbabwe - ZW


The Kittn API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only.
404 Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
410 Gone -- The kitten requested has been removed from our servers.
418 I'm a teapot.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.